This is my blog (now there is a surprise!). I will be sticking in it poetry, prose, random musings, things that take my fancy and more than likely lots of pictures of cats. I hope you find something to amuse and/or interest you here.

Saturday 14 April 2018

NaPoWriMo2018 Day 14

http://www.napowrimo.net/ "And now for our prompt (optional, as always). Dream dictionaries have been around as long as people have had dreams. Interestingly, if you consult a few of them, they nearly always tend to have totally different things to say about specific objects or symbols. Dreams, unlike words themselves, don’t seem to be nicely definable! At any rate, today’s prompt is to write entries for an imaginary dream dictionary. Pick one (or more) of the following words, and write about what it means to dream of these things:
Teacup, Hammer, Seagull, Ballet slipper, Shark, Wobbly table, Dentist, Rowboat"


I see, your dream is of a teacup. what

Context do you find your teacup in?

This fragile china vessel represents 

How delicate the nature of your soul

And knowing what’s around it can define

The nature of the trouble that you face.

So is that chalice poised to feel the blow

Of fate’s black hammer? For in this sad case

Your destiny’s not difficult to plot,

Your death is near so settle your affairs.

Perhaps your teacup soul is all afloat

On some blue ocean, near a sea gull's cry

Which tells that your true love’s soft guiding voice

Will guide you to the safety of the land.

Or like some Disney heroine is it

In ballet slippers waltzing through the day

To show that back awake in real life

Good fortune is now dancing down your way.

Perhaps your teacup’s scored by shark's sharp tooth?

Your enemies will seek to slash your soul

While wearing masks of friendship, gentle smiles

Will hide the bitter scorn they really feel.

If finely balance on the very edge,

Precarious, a wobbly table top

All the support you have beneath your base,

Beware the next decision that you make

May rock the core foundations of your life.

Could be the dentist offers this to you,

The porcelain replacing plastic cup

To indicate a moment of great pain

Is followed by a beautiful surprise.

Do you sit in your teacup on a lake

Towed by a rowboat crewed by all you friends?

Which tells you that you safely place your trust,

You soul is guided by those dear to you.

The last scenario that you may see

Is of a freshly brewed and piping hot

Full chalice of that nectar of the gods

Exactly to your taste awaiting you.

The meaning of this vision we are sure

Is clear, is seems your soul is crying out

for you to rise from slumber speedily

And swiftly make yourself a cup of tea.

Oh come on, there is no way I could be serious for this one!


  1. Especially enjoy: "Perhaps your teacup soul is all afloat

    On some blue ocean, near a sea gull's cry

    Which tells that your true love’s soft guiding voice

    Will guide you to the safety of the land." Nice job!
