This is my blog (now there is a surprise!). I will be sticking in it poetry, prose, random musings, things that take my fancy and more than likely lots of pictures of cats. I hope you find something to amuse and/or interest you here.

Friday 27 April 2018

NaPoWriMo2018 Day 27

http://www.napowrimo.net/  "And now for today’s (optional) prompt. Following Lauren Hunter’s practice of relying on tarot cards to generate ideas for poems, we challenge you to pick a card (any card) from this online guide to the tarot, and then to write a poem inspired either by the card or by the images or ideas that are associated with it."

I have never really looked at tarot so this is new to me.

I let an online tarot reading site pick my card for a daily reading.  I got Wheel of Fortune .

Spinning. like the Earth. through space and time,
Carrying the name of the Divine,
You can ride through change upon this wheel
But should fear rule the way you feel
You may lose your grip and fly away
Falling through the spokes into dismay
While archangels watch dispassionate
Sphinx and serpent guide you to your fate.

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