This is my blog (now there is a surprise!). I will be sticking in it poetry, prose, random musings, things that take my fancy and more than likely lots of pictures of cats. I hope you find something to amuse and/or interest you here.

Friday 6 April 2018

NaPoWriMo2018 Day 6

http://www.napowrimo.net/  and the challenge is:
"to write a poem that stretches your comfort zone with line 

breaks. That could be a poem with very long lines, or very 

short lines. Or a poem that blends the two. "

Now this is not my normal form of poetry, I usually go for a formal, traditional structure but here goes.

Night Drive

Gliding along the road at differing speeds we go
In that thoughtless semi-trance of motorway meditation
Bodies responding to sat-nav prompts, minds soothed by radio
Cocooned in our own mobile environments, auto-locomotion.

Lane ahead closed.

The wheels of the cars slow as the wheels in our brains turn
Possibilities overlaying the path we expected to take
Watching the road signs carefully, filled with the need to learn
Where we ought to be, what actions we need to make.


We merge into a single lane with a minimum of fuss
Relying on the over-lane displays’ god-like decree
And here he comes in the closing lane, Mister Oblivious,
He doesn’t respond to the notices he doesn’t even see.

Yep, smashed the cone
Into the work zone.

Sheep-like we bunch
Huddled together on the slip road,

Workmen converge on the mess
As we crawl on our divergent path
Reluctant to leave the show
But knowing we have to go.

Horns blare raucous imprecation
At each others inattention
Cautionary intervention
In moments of apprehension.

A chain of red
Lights ahead.

Then the diverting diversion is out of sight
And our planned path is history,
Behind us, swallowed by the night,
With our future route a mystery.

We follow the signs with increasing speed
The herd now safely driven by sheep-dogs;
Police cars making sure we heed
The messages about road hogs.

Then they peal away and the mob starts to scatter
As some race away down familiar lanes
And others follow that recorded patter
Made by electronic guiding brains.

On our ways home.

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