This is my blog (now there is a surprise!). I will be sticking in it poetry, prose, random musings, things that take my fancy and more than likely lots of pictures of cats. I hope you find something to amuse and/or interest you here.

Friday 20 April 2018

NaPoWriMo2018 Day 20

http://www.napowrimo.net/ "Our prompt for the day (optional as always) takes its cue from Notley’s rebelliousness, and asks you to write a poem that involves rebellion in some way. The speaker or subject of the poem could defy a rule or stricture that’s been placed on them, or the poem could begin by obeying a rule and then proceed to break it (for example, a poem that starts out in iambic pentameter, and then breaks into sprawling, unmetered lines).  Or if you tend to write funny poems, you could rebel against yourself, and write something serious (or vice versa). Whatever approach you take, your poem hopefully will open a path beyond the standard, hum-drum ruts that every poet sometimes falls into."

So one thing I never do is mix styles or forms,  I find it incredibly hard to switch about but I gave it a go,  mixing haiku and verse.

The new leaves unfurl
Squirrels dart through the branches
Winter blues melting.

While they bring laughter as they chase
In a wild dance through trees and brush
They match the new growth’s wild pace,
Winter’s stillness melts in Spring’s rush.

The sun stays longer
Favouring this hemisphere
Spit-roast angle changed

The intermittent snow held on
With icy fingers but its grip
Is broken, the once pale and wan
Reborn sun calls blooms to worship.

Daffodils flower
Yellow and green stain the ground
Monochrome banished

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