This is my blog (now there is a surprise!). I will be sticking in it poetry, prose, random musings, things that take my fancy and more than likely lots of pictures of cats. I hope you find something to amuse and/or interest you here.

Saturday 21 April 2018

NaPoWriMo2018 Day 21

http://www.napowrimo.net/  "And now for our (optional) prompt. In her interview, Brim provides us with several suggestions for generative writing exercises, and we’d like to challenge to today to tackle her third one, which is based in the myth of Narcissus. After reading the myth, try writing a poem that plays with the myth in some way. "

You face the world armoured in perfection
Dressed in the latest style, a fashion plate
Self-confidence is your looks projection
No time or patience for the second rate.

But take away your make-up, let your hair
Resume its normal colour so it lies
As it grows, straight or curly, if you dare
And take those coloured contacts from your eyes.

Now the world can see how nature made you
Each little imperfection can be seen
Your narcissistic image isn’t true
You love your mask and not your real mien.

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