This is my blog (now there is a surprise!). I will be sticking in it poetry, prose, random musings, things that take my fancy and more than likely lots of pictures of cats. I hope you find something to amuse and/or interest you here.

Monday 16 April 2018

NaPoWriMo2018 Day 16

http://www.napowrimo.net/  "our (optional, as always) prompt for the day asks you to write a poem that prominently features the idea of play. It could be a poem about a sport or game, a poem about people who play (or are playing a game), or even a poem in the form of the rules for a sport or game that you’ve just made up (sort of like Calvinball)."


Forget those formal sports and games of chance,
Those are not playing.
Remember instead the freedom felt in heart and mind
When as a child you laid aside reality
And let your imagination have full reign.

When cardboard boxes were not waste
But forts or boats or racing cars
And that patch of grass was not a chore to mow
But a stadium where you made the winning score
Or a field where Pegasus came grazing by

Remember when the you didn’t fight the blowing wind
But spread your coat to catch the air
And in your mind your wings spread wide
As you dived and swooped your way home,
A dancing bird returning to its nest

The blanketing white didn’t ruin your day
But made the world a whole new place to play
While snow angels decorated the ground
You built new friends with snow and twigs
And ran and slipped and slid, laughing.

Or when the summer grass was rattling dry
And the streams became mere trickles on the land
So you build mini beaver dams and watched
The water pool then overflow in waterfalls
Bearing paper boats and unspoken dreams.

Why live in stern reality and keep your dre
ams for night
Imaginations means that excitement always lives
A mental step to one side, so turn your thoughts away
Back through space and time to when the world
Was just a magic place where you could play.


Graceful, poised, waiting for the throw
And off you go.
Bounding smoothly across the floor
And through the door
Then, skidding to a flailing stop,
Over you flop.

A heap of fur and wildly thrashing paws
With razor claws
You twist and writhe in mad display
Atop your prey.
No sleek feline panther moves here
This mad career.

This is no hunt for food to eat
You are replete
You target will not run and hide
No fear inside,
No life or death choice made today
You are at play.

You can relive your kitten-hood
While life is good
The safe surroundings that you know
Lets freedom grow
Relaxing you can share your joy
At a new toy.

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