This is my blog (now there is a surprise!). I will be sticking in it poetry, prose, random musings, things that take my fancy and more than likely lots of pictures of cats. I hope you find something to amuse and/or interest you here.

Sunday 22 April 2018

NaPoWriMo2018 Day 22

Then on that day mankind reached their accord,
that day when no-one suffered, no-one died
by gun or knife, no-one by bomb or sword,
there were no angry words and no-one cried.
It was a day of magic and all four
corners of this three-world globe were blessed
while mercy tempered justice in the law,
the dawning sun rose slowly in the west.

"And now for our daily prompt (optional as always). I’ve found this one rather useful in trying to ‘surprise’ myself into writing something I wouldn’t have come up with otherwise. Today, I’d like you to take one of the following statements of something impossible, and then write a poem in which the impossible thing happens:

The sun can’t rise in the west."

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