This is my blog (now there is a surprise!). I will be sticking in it poetry, prose, random musings, things that take my fancy and more than likely lots of pictures of cats. I hope you find something to amuse and/or interest you here.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Sunday Photograph & Poetry Challenge

                         The empty stage stands ragged in sunlight
                         So stands my life as bleak now you are gone
                         Where once the blazing actors dazzled sight
                         Where once the spotlights danced and brightly shone
                         Now half broken down, in tatters lying
                         The painted scenery that looked so real
                         Speaks of dreams destroyed, of visions dying
                         The harsh daylight does falsities reveal.
                         And yet the play will move and live anew
                         While yet you lay silent within your grave
                         The show goes on but my life dies with you
                         There’s nothing left here that I want to save.
                         The stage of my life stands so bleak and bare
                         The leading actor is no longer there.

The challenge is set by http://onestoppoetry.com/
The photo is provided by Jacob Lucas - Thanks Jacob
Visit Jacob’s official website: http://live.jflphotography.com.


  1. "The show goes on but my life dies with you
    There’s nothing left here that I want to save."

    Emotional depth and through sonnet form too. Nice job with the prompt, Penny. Your poem reveals both cultural decay and despair.

  2. A bittersweet poem. However sad, life goes on...

  3. Great cavalcade of images, exemplary flow, all that. Effective piece.

  4. sad...the show goes on but without you...

  5. I'm blown away at the work inspired by Sunday picture prompts. This is an important work. You so deftly construct a beautiful sonnet around the metaphor of an empty stage. The depth of meaning so beautifully wrought, the emptiness and grief so tragic to endure is revealed. Excellent. Gay

  6. wow! packed with emotion!

    "The show goes on but my life dies with you
    There’s nothing left here that I want to save.
    The stage of my life stands so bleak and bare
    The leading actor is no longer there."

    an amazing sonnet!

  7. well expressed sadness.
    divine message.

  8. Please feel free to share 1 to 3 poems with our potluck poetry today, first time participants could use old poems or poems unrelated to our theme, Thanks..
    Happy Monday!

  9. Penny This isd just wonderful, filled with great emotions ! LOVED IT !!
